Roses are constant in-demand flowers, and this is no different for their favorite siblings, spray roses. The popularity of spray roses is astounding these days. De Ruiter East Africa knows how beloved the sprays are among traders and florists worldwide, and that’s why nowadays there’s an impressive assortment of spray roses to choose from, ranging from regular spray roses to real niche varieties.
The Popular Demand for Spray Roses
Not only the demand for standard roses but also for spray roses has increased significantly over the years. The popularity of the worldwide number one cut flower brings a constant challenge for breeders, growers, traders, and florists to keep on innovating and improving the assortment. Some trendy sprays are Misty Bubbles, Lavender Bubbles, Peony Bubbles, Special Dimension, and Constellation, according to the people from De Ruiter East Africa, who always aim to meet the critical demand for quality and innovation for the floral chain.

They Might Just Be the Sweetest Flowers Around
Spray roses are often found in small bouquets, such as bridal ones and corsages. The bright foliage makes a beautiful contrast to the gorgeous flowers, and they are ideal for any small decoration. They might just about be the sweetest little flowers around. While they have the natural attraction and beauty of a rose, the overall feel of spray roses is softened by their delicate and intricate features.

Smaller spray roses are perfect for wrist corsages, boutonnieres, and centerpieces but you can also combine them with other flowers and greenery in bigger arrangements and designs for a thick and lush appearance. And with so many spray roses with big head sizes available these days, it’s not uncommon for florists to create mono-bouquets, putting the sprays center stage.

De Ruiter East Africa
The breeding and selection of De Ruiter’s roses takes place at different locations around the world. In the Netherlands, Colombia, Ecuador, Brasil, Russia, China, and, of course, Kenya. The perfect climatic conditions of their advanced greenhouses guarantee an optimal breeding process. De Ruiter has consciously worked on the development of the product rose in its more than one hundred years of existence. They were also at the cradle of pot rose cultivation. In addition to cut and pot, patio, landscape roses, and other flowers like hypericum, rosehip, anigozanthus, and hydrangea, they also breed spray roses. What started as a family business, has grown into an organization with international fame in the field of breeding and propagation of all types of roses.

Looking deeper into De Ruiter’s spray rose collection, there is an abundance of varieties with different shapes and colors to choose from. De Ruiter East Africa currently grows many standard sprays, like Snow Bubbles, Orange Star, Barbie Bubbles, Purple Mandarin, Zadique, Sunny Bubbles, and Red Bubbles. But there are also a lot of niche varieties available, such as Romantic Bubbles and Lavender Bubbles, and beautiful sprays like Special Dimension and Constellation.

Misty Bubbles®, Lavender Bubbles®, Rich Bubbles®, Romantic Bubbles®, Peony Bubbles®, and Chocolate Bubbles®.
Bubbles Spray Roses
The spray roses in the Bubbles series are well known for their big head sizes, but also their strong and long stems. They come in many colors and trendy shapes, for example, resembling peonies or having that ‘fresh from the garden’ look. The Bubbles collection consists of approximately forty varieties as of today. But there are different spray rose lines, such as the Kheops, Colorosa, or the fragrancy line of sprays Essence. Expected is that this line will continue to expand in varieties in the coming years. De Ruiter aims to crossbreed the strong character traits of the roses between the roses already existing. The specific characteristics of the roses are so good, all we have to do is wait until new exciting varieties are discovered in the new selections.

Coral Bubbles®, Special Dimension®, Snow Bubbles®, Barbie Bubbles®, Red Bubbles®, and Zadique®.
Floral Designers Working With Spray Roses
In her blog about Bubbles spray roses, Bubbles Spray Roses All the Way, floral designer Alina Neacsa says:
“My God, I love working with good quality roses and if I can get a peony or garden-shaped rose as a bonus, I’m all in! As a florist, I need good quality flowers; flowers that stand out and invite customers into my shop […] Misty Bubbles has a great peony shape and for a spray rose, it’s incredibly strong. It also shines through its nice purple metallic color and multiple big heads. Due to the splendor of the branches, a bouquet of these spray roses looks spectacular and at the same time gentle.”

Driving Into an Orchard With an Old Van Filled With Bubbles Spray Roses, floral designer Bart Bresser created a fairytale atmosphere with De Ruiter’s varieties. He says:
“They are so big! They work best for me when I use just one stem in my bouquet and fill it with other flowers. This can be large budded roses or any other flower. The spray roses are a little too big to use in finer bridal work, but when you cut off every single small rose, they are ideal to use in fine bridal work such as in corsages, crowns, or wrist designs.”

Want to Know More?
De Ruiter will continue breeding, developing, and introducing spray roses for every grower in every region in the world in the coming years. Every country and region has its own characteristics and is suitable for different varieties. Are you a grower, and are you interested to learn more about these roses? Then contact De Ruiter. And to florists around the world, De Ruiter says to visit your local wholesaler; they should easily have access to the premium spray roses from De Ruiter.